
Program is available.

ISMART 2018 Program(pdf)


8.30.00-10.00 Registration, Renaissance Minsk Hotel, Second floor, in front of the Conference Room

Chairman: Grinyov B. 
Plenary Session (Ball Room 1)

10.00-10.10 Shumilin A., Opening of the Conference 
10.10-10.20 Korzhik M., Welcome from Chairman 
10.20-10.30 Grinyov B., Welcome from the International Organizing Committee 
10.30-11.00 Auffray E., Invited talk, CERN, Crystal Clear Collaboration an example of multidisciplinary work and international cooperation

11.00-11.30 Coffee Break and Registration

Plenary Session (Ball Room 1) 
Physics of the materials for radiation detection-I

11.30-12.00 Vasil'ev A., Invited talk, SINP MSU, Physics of fast processes in scintillators 
12.00-12.30 Gektin A., Invited talk, ISMA, Key trends in scintillation physics 
12.30-13.00 Tamulaitis G, Invited talk, Vilnius University, Transient Phenomena in Scintillation Materials. New Results

13.00-14.30 Lunch and Registration

Plenary Session (Ball Room 1) 
Detectors for high energy physics 
Chairman: Korzhik M.

14.30-15.00 Iyudin A., Invited talk, SINP MSU, Application of scintillation detectors in cosmic experiments 
15.00-15.20 Singovski A., Invited talk, Minnesota University, CMS ECAL detector Phase II upgrade 
15.20-15.40 Moritz M., Justus Liebig University, The Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the PANDA Target Spectrometer 
15.40-16.00 Gilewsky V., Invited talk, JIPNR-Sosny, Antineutrino detectors 
16.00-16.20 Kireyeu V., Invited talk , JINR, Project NICA

16.20-16.50 Coffee Break and Registration

Plenary Session (Ball Room 1) 
Detectors and materials for radiation detection-I 
Chairman: Vasil'ev A.

16.50-17.10 Kornoukhov V, FOMOS-Materials, Enriched 40Ca100MoO4 single crystalline material for search of neutrinoless double beta decay 
17.10-17.30 Zhmurin P., ISMA, Plastic scintillators with the improved radiation hardness level 
17.30-17.50 Rusiecka K., Jagellonian University, Investigation of the properties of the heavy scintillation fibers for hadron therapy monitoring 
17.50-18.10 Dimova T., Novosibirsk State University, Calibration and performance of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter during the LHC Run-II 
18.10-18.30 Vasilyev M., Khabashesku V., Trat'siak Ya., Baker Hughes a GE Company, Nanoengineered Gd3Al2Ga3O12 scintillation materials with disordered garnet structure for novel detectors of ionizing radiation 
18.30-18.50 David E. L., Development of a submillimeter portable gamma-ray imaging detector, based on a GAGG:Ce-silicon photomultiplier array

14.00 Opening of the industrial exhibition (Conference room 6)

14.00-19.00 Poster session - Technologies, materials and instrumentation (Conference room 5)

1. Gordienko E., NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Scintillator powder and ceramics of multicomponent oxides with a garnet structure - problem of a composition control 
2. Dubovik A., ISMA, Growing and properties of ZnxMg1-xWO4 mixed crystals 
3. Galkin S., ISMA, ZnSe scintillators, growing technology and luminescent parameters 
4. Krech A., ISMA, Radiation hard compoiste scintillators 
5. Gorbachova T., ISMA, The impact of deep traps of structural origin on the optical and scintillation characteristics of organic scintillators 
6. Nepokypnaya T.,ISMA, New composite detectors for medical x-ray diagnostics 
7. Vashchenko L., ISMA, On new aspects of metrological activity at our institute with the entry into force of the new Law of Ukraine "On Metrology and Metrological Activity" 
8. Kuznetsova D., NRC "Kurchatov Institute", YAG:Ce micro- and nanostructured powders - technological considerations 
9. Khoroshko L., Gaponenko N., Rudenko M., Sukalin K., Shaidakova K., Raichyonok T., Mudry A., BSUIR, Sol-gel derived nanostructured yttrium-aluminum garnets powders doped with lanthanides 
10. Khoroshko L., Baglov A., BSUIR, Radioluminescent nanostructured yttrium-aluminum perovskite doped with terbium embedded in porous anodic alumina matrix 
11. Gurdjian N., ISMA, Statistical estimation of quality of measurement of minimal detected activity of radionuclides by plastic scintillators for portal monitors 
12. Onyfriev Yu., ISMA, Scintillation elements for the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter 
13. Galenin E., ISMA, Low activated SrI2:Eu detectors 
14. Makarevich K., INP BSU, "Fluence-to-dose" conversion coefficients for whole body irradiation geometry 
15. Afanasiev K., INP BSU, Measurement system for characterisation of new type GEM-detectors for MPD experiment at NICA 
16. Haurylavets V., INP BSU, The electromagnetic shower simulation in GEANT4 with taking into account crystalline structure of medium 
17. Orsich P., INP BSU, Longevity Evaluation of the PANDA EMC at FAIR 
18. Mechinsky V., INP BSU, Portable bench to evaluate coincidence time resolution of scintillation materials in temperature range 
19. Lazarev V., ISMA, An evidence of light yield anisotropy for a small p-torphenyl single crystal 
20. Grishin S., SSPA "Optics, Optoelectronics and Laser Technology", Experimental investigation of on-board charged particles spectrometer and gamma-ray telescope detecting modules characteristics 
21. Grishin S., SSPA "Optics, Optoelectronics and Laser Technology", Prototyping and experimental research of radiation detection modules 
22. Yamniy V., ADANI, Development of X-ray generator of 80 to 160 keV energy and 1.2 mA current 
23. Trat'siak Ya., IPCP BSU, Novel luminescent materials for wide applications 
24. Pokidov A., ISSP RAS, Improvement of light yield and spatial resolution in scintillation composites transformed to nanofibers 
25. Dybatovka D., ATOMTEX, Radiation control station comprising scintillation detection unit of spectrometric type 
26. Opolonin A., ISMA, Multi-energy radiography, physical principles, applications 
27. Kozlov D., INP BSU, Setup for characterization of scintillators to detect neutrons 
28. Tolkachev A., Stepanov Institute of Physics NANB, Scintillant florescence of of cis-azoalkanes 
29. Onufriyev Yu., ISMA, Radiation hard reflectors for scintillation modules for HEP 
30. Garankin Je., Center of Physical Science and Technology, BF-e using in ionizing radiation detection 
31. Vujcic I., University of Belgrade, Gamma radiation effects on structural and optical properties of Eu-doped (Y0.7Gd0.3)2O3 scintillators 
32. D. Denisov, GAMON - highly scalable modular gamma / neutron monitoring systems


Industrial Exhibition (Conference room 6)

Plenary Session (Ball Room 1) 
Materials production technologies-I 
Chairman: Kornoukhov V.

9.00-9.30 Dosovitskiy G., Invited talk, NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Pure raw materials for scintillation detectors of ionizing radiation 
9.30-9.50 Cherginets V., ISMA, Obtaining and functional characteristics of Eu2+-activated scintillation materials on the basis of congruent compounds of alkali and alkaline earth metal chlorides and bromides 
9.50-10.10 Sokolov P., Invited talk, NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Towards new production technologies: 3D printing of scintillation materials 
10.10-10.30 Sidletskiy O.C., Invited talk, ISMA, Issues of carbon doping in garnet scintillators

10.30-11.10 Coffee Break and Registration

Materials production technologies-II 
Chairman: Dosovitskiy G.

11.10-11.30 Taranyuk V., ISMA, Novel approaches to produce scintillation materials 
11.30-11.50 Gerasymov Ia., ISMA, Progress in fabrication of long YAG-based scintillation fibers for HEP experiments 
11.50-12.10 Karpuk P., NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Processing of scintillation ceramics based on complex oxides with garnet structure 
12.10-12.30 Onyfriev Yu., ISMA, Radiation resistance of scintillators based on diamond micropowders 
12.30-12.50 Ilyin I., MERCK, Evaporation chemical by MERCK

12.50-14.30 Lunch

Instrumentation -I 
Chairman: Iyudin A.

14.30-15.00 Mazzi A., Invited talk, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Performance of FBK silicon photomultipliers in fast timing applications 
15.00-15.15 Khodyuk I., CapeSym, ScintiClear based radiation detectors for high-precision gamma spectroscopy 
15.15-15.45 Uglov T., Lebedev Physical Institute, K-long and muon registration system of the Belle-II detector 
15.45-16.00 David E. L., University of West Attica, Evaluation of a small field of view personal gamma-spectrometer under 137Cs irradition conditions 
16.00-16.15 Lobko A., INP BSU, Specifics of 3D printed electronics 
16.15-16.30 Babin V.I, The Institute in Physical Technical Problems, The polymerizer with an air-convection method of heat transfer for plastic scintillators production. Advantages and technology features 

16.30-17.00 Coffee Break

Neutron detection -I 
Chairman: Gilewsky V.

17.00-17.20 Fedorov A., INP BSU, Simulation and experimental study of GAGG:Ce detector of fast neutrons 
17.20-17.35 Dormenev V., Justus-Liebig-University, Responce of different types of Gd based scintillation materials to Am-Be netron sourse 
17.35-17.50 Yakimenko I., Kharkov National University, Detectors of fast netrons, the mechanisms to register fast neutrons 
17.50-18.05 Kavrigin P., CIVIDEC, Neutron cross section measurement with diamond detector 
18.05-18.20 Fiserova L., University of Defence, Thermal neutron detector based on LaOBr:Ce/LiF 
18.20-18. 35 Opolonin A., ISMA, Multi-energy radiography, physical principles, applications 
18.35-18.50 Kruglov V., JINR, Wide-aperture backscatter detector for the IBR-2 FDWR diffractometer

16.00-19.00 Poster session - Technologies, materials and instrumentation-Continuation (Conference room 5)


Industrial Exhibition (Conference room 6)

Plenary Session (Ball Room 1) 
Physics of the materials for radiation detection-II 
Chairman: Tamulaitis G.

9.00-9.20 Omelkov S., Invited talk, Insitute of Physics, University of Tartu, New properties and prospects for hot intraband luminescence 
9.20-9.40 Ogurtsov A., Kharkov National Technical University, Renormalization of atomic cryocrystals luminescence spectra stimulated by excitonicaly induced defect formation 
9.40-10.00 Ulyanenkov A, Invited talk, Atomicus GmbH, Investigation of microstructure of irradiated multilayer ZrN/Si3N4 thin coatings revealed by X-ray diffraction techniques 
10.00-10.20 Nargelas S., Vilnius University, Transient absorption technique as a tool for characterization of scintillator timing properties

10.20-10.40 Coffee Break

Chairman: Brinkmann K.-Th.

10.40-11.00 Krainukovs I., Baltic Scientific Instruments, Application of LaBr3(Ce) scintillation detectors in radition monitoring equipment 
11.00-11.15 Drobyshev G., ADANI, Development of the X-ray security screening systems at ADANI 
11.15-11.30 Baev V., INP BSU, Research complex for Mossbauer spectroscopy with a closed cycle cryostat for determining the local state of Fe atoms in iron-containing materials 
11.30-11.45 Sytova S., INP BSU, Information tool for support of activities in supervision for nuclear and radiation safety

Chairman: Drobyshev G.

11.50-12.05 Alekseichuk I., ATOMTEX, Enhancement of multifunctional AT1117M radiation monitor 
12.05-12.20 Komar D., ATOMTEX, LaBr3(Ce)-based smart detection unit for investigation of capture gamma radiation field with energies from 30 keV to 10 MeV 
12.20-12.35 Lukashevich R., ATOMTEX, Application scintillation comparators for calibration low intense gamma radiation fields by dose rate in the range of 0.03 - 0.1 ВµSv/h 
12.35-12.50 Kozemyakin V., ATOMTEX, Gamma-radiation detection units and equipment for using as part of unmanned remotely operated radiation control systems 
12.50-13.10 Kazimirov A., The scintilletary detectors usage in spectrometric devices and systems for radiation and environmental monitoring

13.10-14.30 Lunch

Chairman: Gektin A.

14.30-14.45 Slavashevich I., ADANI, Optimization of physical-topological parameters of two-energy X-ray detectors used in inspection and examination equipment 
14.45-15.00 Gorshkov D., ATOMTEX, Sample counter for gross alpha/beta activity measurements based on phoswich detector 
15.00-15.15 Lukashevich R., ATOMTEX, Generation of low-intensity X-ray radiation fields for investigation of energy dependence of high-sensitive radiation monitoring instruments based on scintillation detection units 
15.15-15.30 Yamniy V., ADANI, X-ray security scrining system for introscopy of heavy vehicles 
15.30-15.45 Kudin A., National University of Civil Defence, Experimental manifestation of CsI:Na crystal hygroscopicity 
15.45-16.05 Mokrousov M., Space Research Institute, Prospective space based equipment on a base of LaBr3 and CeBr3 scintillators for exploration of the solar system planets

14.00-18.00 Training cource for dosimetry of ionizing radition at ATOMTEX facilities (Transportation Hotel - ATOMTEX and back)

14.45-18.00 Excursion. Victory Museum

19.00-22.00 Conference Dinner


Plenary Session (Ball Room 1) 
Instrumentation -V 
Chairman: Lobko A.

9.30-9.50 Bredikhin I., Digital systems for multi-parameter analysis and data collection by CAEN 
9.50-10.10 Anfimov N. State of art for silicon photo-multipliers development 
10.10-10.30 Zhukouski A., ATOMTEX, Method for nuclides mix identification in analysis of gamma ray scintillation spectra 
10.30-10.50 Demin A., ISMA, Cluster ISMA-UA as an High Energy Physics Instrument

10.20-10.40 Coffee Break

11.20-11.40 Pedash V., ISMA, Characterization of position sensitive detectors with positioning algorithms trained by simulated reference data 
11.40-12.00 Verenich K., INP BSU, Control of organ and tissue doses to patients during Computed Tomography 
12.00-12.10 Korzhik M., Closing of the Conference