photo of Arkady Khrutchinsky

Arkady Khrutchinsky

Leading Researcher
PhD (Physics)
Senior researcher

Department: Laboratory of theoretical physics and simulation of nuclear processes
Address: Belarusian State University, Institute for Nuclear Problems, 220006, Minsk, Belarus, Bobruiskaya str., 11 , 209
Phone: +(375 17) 365-42-25

Area of expertise:

He developed the theory and simulation of Inverse Free Electron Lasers and taken part in designs the gamma-rays spectrometric system for remote detection and control of fissile materials. He has carried out Monte-Carlo simulation of the experiment for definition the right W- mesons masses  from  Michel parameters measuring and also experiments on correlation gamma-quantums at decay orto – positronium.

The basic field of investigations recently is examination of problems nuclear radiation transport  in substance. The basic tool in these examinations is Monte-Carlo simulation of a transport problem (EGS4, MCNP –codes). Scope of gained results is development of facilities  and devices for radioactive control and development of  setup  for physical experiments (simulation of E614 –experiment). In particular, development of facilities for the control  of nuclear disarmament, devices for measuring radioactive impurity of people, animal and  a environment. Development and making of effective algorithms for  handling of the experimental information for above problems. Other directions of scientific works are examination of interaction powerful pulse  electromagnetic  fields with substance (Raman active media, plasmas, nanotubes),  examination of nonlinear effects, in particular, generation of high order  harmonics   with  purpose to create coherent X-rays sources.

He has published more than 150 articles (62 publications in Scopus)

Selected papers:

  1. Maksimenko, S. A., Khrushchinsky, A., Slepyan, G. Y., & Kibis, O. V. (2007). Electrodynamics of chiral carbon nanotubes in the helical parametrization scheme. Journal of Nanophotonics, 1(1), 13505.
  2. A. M. Nemilentsau, G. Ya. Slepyan, A.A. Khrutchinski, S.A. Maksimenko, Third-order optical nonlinearity in singlewall carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 44(11), 2246-2253 (2006).
  3. A. M. Nemilentsau, S. A. Maksimenko, G. Ya. Slepyan, A. A. Khrutchinskii, Cubic optical nonlinearity of single-wall carbon nanotubes, Int. Conf. on nanomaterials for electronics ICNME-2006, Centre For Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET), Pune INDIA, November 27-29, 2006.
  4. Maksimenko, S. A., Khrushchinsky, A. A., Slepyan, G. Y., & Kibis, O. V. (2006). Nonlinear interaction of electromagnetic waves with chiral carbon nanotubes: helical parametrization. In Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering (Vol. 6328, p. 632810).


  1. A.A Khrutchinsky, Yu. Yu. Lachin, V.I.Selivanov, A Monte-Carlo study of a precision magnetic spectrometer with planer geometry, Nuclear Instr&Meth, V 396, p.135-146, 1997.
  2. N. L. Rodning, W. Andersson, Y. Davydov, P. Depommier, J. Doornbos, W. Faszer, C. A. Gagliardi, A. Gaponenko, D. R. Gill, P. W. Green, P. Gumplinger, J. C. Hardy, M. Hasinoff, R. Helmer,  R. Henderson, P. Kitching, D. D. Koetke, E. Korkmaz, A. Khruchinsky, D. Maas, J. A. Macdonald, R. MacDonald, R. Manweiler, G. Marshall, T. Mathie, J. R. Musser, P. Nord, A. Olin, R. Openshaw, D. Ottewell, T. Porcelli, J. -M. Poutissou, R. Poutissou, G. Price, M. Quraan, J. Schaapman, V. Selivanov, G. Sheffer, B. Shin, F. Sobratee, J. Soukup, T. Stanislaus, G. Stinson, R. Tacik, V. Torokhov, R. E. Tribble, M. A. Vasiliev, H. -C. Walter, S. -C. Wang, and D. Wright , TWIST - The TRIUMF Weak Interaction Symmetry Test the Michel Parameters from µ+ Decay // Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl B98,247, (2001) DOI: 10.1016/S0920-5632(01)01232-4
  3. N. L. Rodning, P. Amaudruz, W. Anderson, M. Comyn, Yu. Davydov, P. Depommier, J. Doornbos, W. Faszer, C. A. Gagliardi, D. R. Gill, P. Reen, P. Gumplinger, J. C. Hardy, M. Hasinoff, R. Helmer, R. Henderson, A. Khrutchinsky, P. Kitching, D.D. Koetke, E. Korkmaz, Y. Lachin, D. Maas, J. A. Macdonald, R. Manweiler, T. Mathie, J. R. Musser, P. Nord, A. Olin,  D. Ottewell, R. Openshaw, L. Piilonen, T. Porcelli, J.-M. Poutissou, R. Poutissou, M. Quraan, J. Schaapman, V. Selivanov, G. Sheffer, B. Shin, F. Sobratee, J. Soukup, T.D.S. Stanislaus, G. Stinson, R. Tacik, V. Torokhov, R. E. Tribble, M. A. Vasiliev, H. -C. Walter and D. Wright, Experiment E614 at TRIUMF: A Close Look at Muon Decay, In Electroweak Physics, Proceedings of the fourteenth Lake Louise Winter Institute, World Scientific (2000) 510-519
  4. M. A. Quraan, A. Gaponenko, P. Green, P. Kitching, R. MacDonald, G. Price, N. L. Rodning, J. Schaapman, F. Sobratee, J. Soukup, G. Stinson, A. Khrutchinsky, V. Selivanov, V. Torokhov, C. A. Gagliardi, J. C. Hardy, J. R. Musser, R. E. Tribble, M. A. Vasilyev, W. Anderson, M. Comyn, Y. Davydov, J. Doornbos, W. Faszer, D. R. Gill, P. Gumplinger, R. Henderson, J. A. Macdonald, G. Marshall, A. Olin, D. Ottewell, R. D.  Maas, P. Depommier, E. Korkmaz, T. Porcelli, T. Mathie, R. Tacik, Y. Shin, D. D. Koetke, R. Manweiler, P. Nord, T.D.S. Stanislaus, A Precision Measurement of Muon Decay,  Nucl.Phys.A, V. A663, Pages 903c-906c  (2000)
  5. Yu. Davydov, W. Andersson, M. Comyn, P. Depommier, J. Doornbos, W. Faszer,C. A. Gagliardi, D. R. Gill, P. Green, P. Gumplinger, J .C. Hardy, M. Hasinoff , R. Helmer, R. Henderson, A. Khrutchinsky, P. Kitching, D. D. oetke, E. Korkmaz,  Yu. Lachin, D. Maas, J. A. Macdonald, R. MacDonald, R. Manweiler, G. Marshall,  E. L. Mathie, L. Miassoedov, J. R. Musser, P. Nord, A. 01in, R. Openshaw, D. Ottewell, T. Porcelli, J-M. Poutissou, R. Poutissou, G. Price, M. A. Quraan, N. L. Rodning, J. Schaapman, V. Selivanov, G. Sheffer, B. Shin, F. Sobratee,J. Soukup, T.D.S. Stanislaus, G. Stinson, R. Tacik, V. Torokhov, R. E. Tribble, M. A. Vasiliev, H. C. Walter, and D. Wright, Drift Chambers for a Precision Measurement of the Michel Parameters in Muon Decay, Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. Phys. Res. A 461, 68 (2001)

Application of Monte-Carlo methods, nuclear physics

  1. Baryshevsky V. G., Khrutchinsky A. A., Moroz V. I., Dezhurko M. D. Gamma-rays Spectrometric System for Remote Detection and Control of Fissile Materials, “Nuclear Science symposium”, 1993 IEEE Conference Record, v 1, p.302-306 (1993)
  2. Moroz V.I., Khrutchinsky A.A., Kuten S.A., Bogatko A.A., Portable Gamma-Ray Differential Radiometer for Measurement of the Radioactive Contamination of the Environmental Objects “Nuclear Science symposium”, 1993 IEEE Conference Record, v 1 , p.218-221, (1993).
  3. Baryshevsky V.G., Khrutcinsky A.A., Moroz V.I., Dezhurko M.D., Gamma-Rays Spectrometric System for Remote Detection and Control of Fissile Materials, IEEE transactions on Nucl. Sci. v.41, N4, p. 971-976 (1994).
  4. G. Drobychev, A.A.Khrutcinsky, A.Fedorov, O.Missevich, J.P.Peignenx, A.Oriboni, M.Schneegans, Studies and proposals for an Automatic Crystal Control System, CERN preprint, CMS Note 2005/000,1997.
  5. O.M. Anshakov, V.A. Chudakov , V.I. Gurinovich, A.A. Khrutchinsky, S.A. Kuten, V.F. Minenko,Direct Determination of Sr-90 Body Burden in Man "Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference" Lyon, France October 15-20, 2000
  6. M.Korzhik, A.Annenkov, A. Khruchinsky, S.Kuten. (Lux-Y1-x)AP:Ce Scintillation Crystals,, Nuclear Science symposium and medical imaging conference. 19-25 October 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA
  7. O.M.Anshakov, Guzov V.D., Kozhemjakin V.A., Kuten S.A., Minenko V.F., Ugolev I.N., Firsov M.D., Khrutchinski A.A. The Spectrometer for radiation  measurings of the person Р/Н of caesium-137 and strontium 90. In « Environmental problems of 21 centuries, Sakhorov  readings », p 145-146, 2003.
  8. Bakovez N. V., Budevich N.M., Zhoukovsky A.I., Kuten S.A., Khrushchinski A.A. Graduation of an energy distribution combined phosvich detector, in « Environmental problems of 21 centuries, Sakharov readings », p. 173-175, 2003.
  9. Application of the Monte Carlo methods and variational procedure for optimizing time-of-flight neutron diffractometer characteristics. Khrushchinsky A.A., Kuten S.A., Viarenich K.A., Speransky P.A. Physics of Particles and Nuclei  Letters. 2016. Т. 13. № 3. С. 390-405. DOI: 10.1134/S1547477116030134
  10. Khrushchinsky, A. A. Optimization of the Radiator Composition of a "Non-Burning" Fission Ionization Chamber / A. A. Khrushchinsky, S. A. Kuten, K. A. Verenich, L. F. Babichev, and Thi Dieu Hien Le // Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems. - 2021. - Vol. 24, No.2. - P. 166-174. DOI:


  1. A.A. Gurinovich, A.A. Khruchinsky, O.N. Metelitsa ,Computer simulation of anisotropic  angular distribution of orthopositronium decay photons for the QED testing experiment   // Abstracts of 11-th International Conference on Positronium Annihilation   (25-30 May 1997, Kansas-City, USA), p.80.
  2. S. K. Andrukhovich, N. Antovich, A. V. Berestov, P. Vukotich, A. A. Gurinovich, O. N. Metelitsa, and A. A. Khrushchinskii,  A Method for Selecting Three-Photon Positronium-Annihilation Events with a Multidetector Coincidence Spectrometer Instruments and Experimental Techniques,Vol. 43, No. 3, 2000 p. 295 
  3. S.K. Andrukhovich, N.Antovich, A.V.Berestov, P, A.A.Gurinovich, A.A.Khrutchinsky,O.N.Metelitsa, “Investigation of spectral characteristics of orthopositronium decay using 32-detector gamma-spectrometr “Argus””, Proceedings of 30th Polish Seminar on positronium annihilation, 1998
  4. S.K.Andrukhovich, N.Antovich, A.V.Berestov, P.Vukotich, A.A.Grinovich, O.N.Metelitsa, A.A.Khrutchinski, A method for selecting three-photon positronium-annihilation event with a multidetector coincidence spectrometer, Instruments and Experimental techniques, vol.43, N3, 2000