Mikhail Korjik
Head of Laboratory
Doctor of Sciences (Physics)
Department: Laboratory of experimental high energy physics
Belarusian State University, Institute for Nuclear Problems, 220006, Minsk, Belarus, Bobruiskaya str., 11
, 202
e-mail: korzhik@inp.bsu.by
Phone: +(375 17) 240-46-04
ORCID Publications
Member of Physical Society of Republic of Belarus,
International Scientific Committee of the Conference «Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications» (SCINT)
PANDA Collaboration, GSI, Germany
2005-Doctoral Degree, Nuclear physics, Optics, Belarusian State University, Minsk
1990 Ph.D. (USSR Diploma), Optics, Belarusian State University, Minsk
1987 Post Graduate Courses, Belarusian State University, Minsk
1981 Physics Department, Belarusian State University, Minsk
Doctoral Thesis Title: Scintillation in oxide crystals, Belarusian State University, 2005
Ph.D. Thesis Title: Influence of the Fe3+ impurity on the spectroscopic and laser properties of YAG crystals and aluminum silica glasses doped with rare earth ions, Belarusian State University, 1990
2012-now Institute for Nuclear Problems, Head of the Laboratory of Experimental High Energy Physics
1999-2012 Institute for Nuclear Problems, Head of Experimental High Energy Physics Department
1994-1999 Institute for Nuclear Problems, Head of the Experimental High Energy Physics Laboratory
1993-2024 CERN Unpaid Associate, Geneva, Switzerland
1990-1994 Institute for Nuclear Problems, Scientific Secretary
1986-1990 Institute for Nuclear Problems, Researcher, Senior Researcher
1981-1986 Department of Physics, Belarussian State University, Engineer-Researcher
Materials for detectors of ionizing radiation, high energy physics, radiation damage phenomena
- M. Korzhik, Physics of Scintillators on a Base of Oxide Crystals, Minsk, BSU, 2003, P.263. (In Russian).
- Paul Lecoq, Alexander Gektin, Mikhail Korzhik. «Inorganic Scintillators for Detector Systems: Physical Principles and Crystal Engineering», Springer, 2006, P.251 ISBN: 9783319455228 (online), ISBN: 978-3-319-45521-1 (print) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45522-8
- В. А. Качанов, М. В. Коржик, А. Н. Анненков. Кристаллы вольфрамата свинца-основа электромагнитной калориметрии / В глубь материи: Физика ХХI века глазами создателей экспериментального комплекса на большом адроном коллайдере в Женеве,._М.: Энергия, 2009-576с.
- V.G.Baryshevsky, M.V.Korzhik, V.I.Moroz et al., Fast scintillating crystals for the detectors of ionizing radiation, NIM, B58(1991)291.
- V.G.Barishevsky, R.F.Zouevski, M.V.Korzhik et al., Fast scintillators YAlO3:Pr.Pis’ma v JTP, V17, N24(1991)82 (In Russian)
- V.G.Barishevsky, M.V.Korzhik, V.I.Moroz et al., Single crystals of tungsten compounds as promissing materiams for the total absorption detectors of the e.m. calorimeters, NIM, A322(1992)231.
- E.G.Gumanskayia, O.A.Egoricheva, M.V.Korzhik et al., Spectroscopic properties and scintillation efficiency of perovscite crystals doped with Ce. Optika I Spectroscopia, V72, N2 (1992) 395 (In Russian)
- E.G.Gumanskayia, S.A.Smirnova, M.V.Korzhik et al., Interconfiguration luminescence of Pr3+ ions in Y3Al5O12 and YAlO3 crystals. Optika i Spectroscopia, V72, N1(1992)155 (In Russian)
- M.V.Korzhik, W.P.Trower, Origin of scintillation in cerium-doped oxide crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett., 66(1995)2327.
- P.Lecoq, I.Dafinei, E.Auffray, M.V.Korzhik et al., Lead tungstate (PbWO4) scintillators for LHC EM calorimetry, NIM, A365(1995)291.
- D.M.Kondratiev, M.V.Korzhik, A.A.Fedorov, A.V.Pavlenko, Scintillation in Cerium-activited gadolinium based crystals. phys. stat.sol., (b)197(1996)251
- M.V.Korzhik, G.Yu.Drobishev, D.M.Kondratiev et al., Scintillation quenching in cerium-doped ytterbium-based crystals. phys. stat.sol., (b)197(1996)495
- M.Bohm, A.E.Borisevich, G.Yu.Drobychev, A.Hofstaetter, O.V.Kondratiev, M.V.Korzhik, M.Luh, B.K.Meyer, J.-P.Peigneux, A.Scharmann, Influence of Mo impurity on the spectroscopic and scintillation properties of PbWO4 crystals. phys. stat. solidi A. V167. N1. (1998)
- J.M.Moreau, R.E.Gladyshevskii, Ph.Galez, J.P.Peigneux, M.V.Korzhik. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 284(1999)104
- A.Annekov, E.Auffray, A.Borisevith, M.Korzhik, P.Lecoq, V.Ligun Suppression of the radiation damage in lead tungstate scintillation crystal, NIM A (1999)186
- A. Annenkov, M. Korzhik, P. Lecoq. Lead tungstate scintillation material, NIM, A490(2002)30.
- Korzhik M. V. A general approach to increasing the radiation hardness of complex strucutre oxide scintillation crystals, NIM, A500 (2003)116.
- M. Korzhik, A. Khrutchinsky, P. Lecoq, O. Missevitch. On the response linearity of scintillation detectors in irradiation environment. NIM, A523 (2004) 271-274
- P.Adzic, R.Alemany-Fernandes, C.B.Almeida et.al., Results of the first performance tests of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter, Eur.Phys. J.C. 44 s02(2006)1
- M.Korzhik, P.Lecoq, Physics of scintillation in REAlO3:Ce crystals, NIM, A537(2005)40-44
- Korzhik M., A.Fedorov, A.Annenkov et al., Development of scintillation materials for PET scanners, NIM, A571(2007)122
- The CMS Collaboration, The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. JINST 3, 2008. S08004 doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/S08004. 361 p.
- N. Akchurin, F. Bedeschi, A. Cardini, R. Carosi, G. Ciapetti, R. Ferrari, S. Franchino, M. Fraternali, M. Korzhik, R. Wigmans et al., New crystals for dual-readout calorimetry, NIM, A 604(2009)512-526
- Scintillation of Some Germanates and Stannates Doped With Ce3+/Borisevitch, A.; Dosovitski, A.; Fedorov, A.; Korzhik, M.; Missevitch, O.IEEE Trans Nucle. Sci. V56, Iss.4 (2009) 2271-2274.
- Novotny, R. W.; Bremer, D.; Dormenev, V.; Doring, W.; Eibner, T.; Korzhik, M.; Kuske, T.; Missevitch, O.; Moritz, M. PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter — High-Resolution Detector Based on PWO-II. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc. Vol.57, No 3,2009,1441-1446.
- V. Dormenev, T. Kuske, R.W. Novotny, A. Borisevich, A. Fedorov, M. Korjik, V. Mechinski, O. Missevitch, S. Lugert, NIM, A 623(2010) 82.10.1083
- Коржик М. В., Борисевич А. Е., Дорменев В. И., Мечинский В. А., Мисевич О. В., Федоров А. А.О радиационной стойкости оптических свойств сцинтилляционных кристаллов под действием высокоэнергетических протонов, Доклады Национальной Академии Наук Беларуси, том 54, № 4, 2010, с. 53-57
- Search of the standard model Higgs boson decaying into two photons in pp collisions at =7 TeV, The CMS Collaboration, CMS HIG-11-033, CERN-PH-EP/2012-024/2012/0/082