Alexander Viktorovich Solin
Senior Researcher
Department: Laboratory of electronics methods and tools of experiments
Kurchatova str., 7
, 715
Phone: (+375 17) 396-83-62
Has been involved in nuclear electronics since 1994 and took part in R&D of front- end ASICs for CMS silicon calorimeter and ME1/1 anode wire readout. He is a chief designer of more than 10 front- end chips including 4-, 8-, and 16- channel charge sensitive preamplifiers, shapers and discriminators.
Selected papers:
Afanaciev K. G., Batouritski M. A., Emeliantchik I. F., Litomin A. V., Solin A. V. Integrated charge sensitive amplifier «Tetrod-JFET» and its application for research of diamond charged-particles detectors. J. Belarus. State Univ. Phys. 2018. No. 1. P. 66 –72 (in Russ.)