Advances in study of Universe and microworld physics during recent decadeslead to formation of cosmomicrophysics – a new scientific area, that aims to describe the Big Bang – the birth and early stages of Universe evolution using fundamental laws of microworld and discovering these laws at the same time based on the studies of outer space. Proof of inflation stage of Universe evolution is the most important success of cosmomicrophysics. For the first time it could explain how the Universe achieved the observed size, mass, density and temperature after it began to expand from Plank sizes ~10-33cm and Plank density ~10-94 g/cm3 and energy of particles inside it ~1028 eV.
However, it is not yet clear whether one can make sure that the stage of Universe evolution that has such extremal characteristics, and also additional dimensions of space, that are persuadingly predicted by superstring theory, which is more-or-less considerably thaught to be a unifying theory of all interactions including gravity. Note that the energies of particles under discussion (~1028 eV) are so high, that there is no hope of their achievement in experiment, and only the study of the Universe can lead to discovery of fundamental laws of microworld physics, which were the basis of its birth.
The information about the most early stages of the Universe evolution and governing laws can be found out from primordial black holes (PBH), that are unique because they appeared at early stages of Universe expansion and recorded characteristics of processes that took place at that time and can be detected nowadays.
In fact a thorough search for primordial black holes is performed since the prediction of Hawking radiation from them. But the latter prevents from studying of all possible range of masses of primordial black holes. For solution of this problem we proposed a method of searching for PBH, which is based on absoption of stellar objects by them. In particular we predicted that primordial black holes which have essentially any mass and are not searchable using their Hawking radiation, are able to поглотить white dwarf in a time less than the time of Universe existence. The final stage of absorption process is accompanied by a powerful neutrino burst, that can be observed in Galaxy. This provides good opportunities to detect primordial black holes with a broad range of masses.
We also conducted a research how additional dimension impacts on the primordial black holes in early Universe and found out that the beginning stage of existence of primordial black holes can be accompanied by a considerable growth of masses, that leads to принципиально new limitations on the number of primordial black holes and hew opportunities how to get the information about additional dimensions.
It was shown that the existence of white dwarfs proves the safety of experiments on producing of 6D black holes that are prepared at Large hadron collider in CERN.
Ionosphere perturbations that take place during breakdown in upper atmosphere are studied.
Scientific leader — Prof. V.V. Tikhomirov
1. S. E. Juralevich, V.V.Tikhomirov. New possible source of huge neutrino bursts. arXiv:astro-ph/0202445
2. Tikhomirov V. V., S. E. Yuralevich. Neutrino emission and oscillations in white dwarf mater accreting onto a primordial black hole. Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 2004. Vol. 67, №11. P. 2062-2064. DOI: 10.1134/1.1825525
3. Tikhomirov V. V., Tselkov Yu. A. How particle collisions increase the rate of accretion from the cosmological background onto primordial black holes in braneworld cosmology. Phys. Rev. D. Vol. 72. 2005. 121301(R). DOI: 10.1103/PHYSREVD.72.121301 ArXiV: astro-ph/0510212
4. Tikhomirov V. V and Siahlo S. E. White dwarf explosion initiated by a primordial black hole. Gravitation & Cosmology Vol. 11. 2005. N 3. P. 229-234. (In Russian)
5. V.V. Tikhomirov, Yu. A. Tselkov, New Limits on the Abundance of Primordial Black Holes in braneworld Cosmology. Gravitation & Cosmology Vol. 12. 2006. N 2-3. P. 231-234. (in Russian)
6. V.V. Tikhomirov, On the problem of existence and search for additional dimensions. The Science and Innovations, № 12(70), 2008, P. 9-13. (in Russian)
7. V.I. Ignatenko, V.V. Tikhomirov, and Yu. A. Tsalkou. On the celestial body absorption by 6D black holes. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1205 (2010) PP. 97-102. DOI: 10.1063/1.3382339