Main scientific results by INP BSU staff in 2014 in the area of fundamental scientific research
- Models of explosion-magnetic generators were developed and tested. They implement direct conversion of chemical energy of explosion into electric and are capable of producing high current electron beams with the current up to 30 kiloAmperes. Graphite cathodes for microwave generator with large area (63 cm2 and 132 cm2) were designed and studied in experiment. Electron beams with current higher than 20 kiloAmperes were produced with these cathodes. Portable devices for distant control of wideband pulse generators were developed and manufactured. These control devices contain optical transmitter and receiver and a synchronisation block for them.
- A method of synthesis of sandwich graphene/polymer type structures on dielectric bed with the number of layers up to 4 was developed. A number of experimental models was manufactured. Experimental studies of electromagnetic response of these structures in microwave range (26-37 GHz) were performed. Graphene/polymer structure was found to provide EM shielding at the level of 75% (50% absorption of the power of microwave signal and 25% reflection) for waveguide variant of experiment. Theoretical explanation of observed electromagnetic effects was given. The result was published in the Nature, Sci. Reports group of journals. Several innovation contracts with Russian organisations was signed to continue the development of these works.
- Increase of de-channeling length of electrons was predicted and discovered at MAMI microtron of University of Mainz, Germany. The effect is caused by the capture of electrons in the body of the crystal.
- Degradation of cylinder part of electromagnetic calorimeter of CMS collaboration was estimated for the period up to 2018. The limits of use of decreasing of the temperature for reduction of noise from photodetectors in detector cells were suggested.
- Limitations and advantages of various scintillation materials for front calorimeters of experimental systems on high luminosity colliders were studied.
- Principal suitability of lead tungstate crystal growth on open type setups from iridium needles was shown. Hence these scintillator crystals can be produced for use in high energy physics.
- New types of fast photodetectors solid state photomultipliers were studied. CdTe semiconductor detectors with high atomic number were studied.
- Characteristics of hyperfine interaction between «nitrogen-vacancy» color center (NV center) and 13С atom closest to the vacancy on the NV center axis in diamond were calculated using DFT method. It was shown that the spectrum of optically detectable resonance for such system has a typical shape and consists of three pairs of lines, split in zero magnetic field with the value 187,4 kHz typical for this system.