Main scientific results by scientists of INP BSU in 2008 in the field of fundamental scientific research
- A theory which describes the absorption of white dwarfs by 6D primordial black holes was developed. The theory proves the fact that white dwarfs exist leads to safety of experiments on creation of 6D black holes, which are planned on Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
- Equations that describe phenomenon of birefringence of deuterons when scattering in targets that contain light nuclei with energy in range of 100s MeV – several GeV were derived in the framework of eikonal approximation.
- Optimal settings to carry out an experiment observation the effect of multiple volume reflection of particles in a bended crystal (which was recently predicted) for SPS accelerator at CERN. The increase of probability of channeling of particles was predicted by on a thin amorphous layer of SiO2 on silicon bedding using SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) method.
- Waveguide and resonance antenna properties of multilayer carbon nanotubes in terahertz and far infrared range were determined. It was shown that there is a weak dependence of electromagnetic response on the frequency for thick multilayer nanotubes (diameter 5 to 100 nm) in visible frequency range.